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Glitches in the Mat... Friendica

This is a post for collecting weird Friendica behaviour for our esteemed host. Feel free to add your findings.

I made a user 'viutestaa' and removed it. Friendica said bye-bye, but I can still log in. The user had no connections or activity, not associated with the test group.

@Esko Arajärvi

in reply to Joanna Oja (viu)

Above mentioned account 'viutestaa' is not in the list of users on the server but if I try to add a contact I find it but profile does not exist.

Not found
Request: 67a1cfe86f4ab

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Joanna Oja (viu)

I did a global delete for a message and reposted the same text. It apparently didn't delete the first.
in reply to Joanna Oja (viu)

I made a comment with 2 pictures. It looked fine, no error messages when sending, and the pictures are in my folder. I just can't find the post.
in reply to Joanna Oja (viu)

Sometimes I get a short peak of followers or friends that are private. Not long enough to actually make sense of it, but I need to check if the screen recording reveals more. Not good.