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I was writing a sort of essay post about how important open protocols like Friendica are to preserve our freedom and not hand more power to corporations for simpler interfaces and flashier emojis, but it was becoming too long and I have too much stuff going on and I don't think that anyone would care much anyway.
So I'll leave it at "Hi, good to see you here, hopefully this takes off". I'm keeping this mostly to stay in touch with friends so most will be private, but I'll try to post here and do my part.
in reply to Sergio Losilla

In a perfect world the posts are tagged with the appropriate language and you can choose from settings which languages you wish to see (the tech is there, but we’re just noobs in the fediverse).
in reply to Miika Säynevirta

I most definitely not want to filter Finnish out! But Finnish takes quite a lot of effort for me, and I definitely cannot engage at the same level as in English.
Well well, we'll see.
But the features you mention sound very nice.
in reply to Sergio Losilla

Sergio Losilla tagged Sergio Losilla's status with #helloworld


I was writing a sort of essay post about how important open protocols like Friendica are to preserve our freedom and not hand more power to corporations for simpler interfaces and flashier emojis, but it was becoming too long and I have too much stuff going on and I don't think that anyone would care much anyway.
So I'll leave it at "Hi, good to see you here, hopefully this takes off". I'm keeping this mostly to stay in touch with friends so most will be private, but I'll try to post here and do my part.

in reply to Sergio Losilla

!!!! I had absolutely missed how much there’s customization available for the channels. You can definitely define one that only shows you for example posts from friends and only in specific languages.