Jumalan pyssy ja punaiset puukuulat
Tänään, kuten eilenkin, taivastelemme sitä ihanuutta, kun tavan tietotyöläisen kone alkaa huudella että kohta maksaa maltaita Windows 10:llä työnteko, ja pitää hankkia uus kone jotta pyhä Microsoft ei lähetä tulta ja tulikiveä yllemme maallisesta taivaastaan. Ihanasti valmiiksi asennettuna saadaan uudessa koneessa uusi käyttöjärjestelmä. Joka sitten kompastuu omiin jalkoihinsa, estä töiden keskeisimmän TV-käännösohjelman toimimisen, ja pakottaa etsimään minkä kommervenkkien taa täysi uudelleenasennus on tänä vuonna piilotettu.
On se Linux vaan vaikea.
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Budget disk sharing in home network ("DIY NAS")
Hi to people who like to burden ourselves with technology at home, and love to discuss it online with me. This is your chance.
Hopes aka Constraints
1. Local backup disk share
I'm hoping to share a disk or two at home for a family of 5, each with 0.5-5 TB of data on their personal computers. Primary use would be personal computer backup, but I'd hope to gather family media history there as well.
2. Local services
I need to run at least Home Assistant and Unifi network server. They may live on a separate box, but could live on the NAS given sufficient oomph (seems mainly RAM constrained).
3. Internet services
I also hope to some day open selected services (web apps, maybe ssh/rsync) to the internet now that we have excessively sufficient connection (and relatively safely separable networks) for that.
The internet services (think, say, Friendica) should be able to utilize some of the disk space of the NAS (assuming I don't end up with a full web server with its own disks) but be kept safely out of the disk space for local (family) use. (Preparing for potential 0-days here might provide us with some fascinating design puzzles :))
4. Budget
Looking at the prices of NAS boxes, I don't want to shell out hundreds of euros. I hope to keep this hobby project under 200 euros (not counting later extensions nor maintenance). Prices of the disk drives themselves would not be counted into that budget; they're maintenance (start with what i have, buy more as necessary).
5. Quality
All I would need would be a box that could sustain >1Gbps over both Ethernet and SATA (or USB3) running Linux (or BSD?). Electricity consumption while idle should be minimal.
The solution should be reasonably expected to keep running for years, idling ~6h twice per day.
6. Availability to Finland
I should be able to get the solution in Finland. Any additional taxes should be counted as part of the budget.
I'll provide a bit more background and some potential solutions below.
No recommendations, but just letting you know I follow this.
(I just keep a bunch of older computers warming the house for backups, our heating system is electric with ovens )
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Yritin lisätä tähän ymmyrkäiset silmät -emojin, mutta kommenttiboksi sulkeutuu kun emojia klikkaa tuolta listasta. Aateekoo meinings.
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Nyt alkaa jo kuulostamaan fediverse aika perustavanlaatuisen lupaavalta!
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Arvaa kirja
Do you know or can you guess which book this excerpt comes from?
Answer in a manner that does not spoil it for others ;)
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Selkokielinen kirja sukupuolen moninaisuudesta
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Antoine Vinon
in reply to Kalle Hallivuori • • •