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Finland: Look at the amount of sunlight! It's spring!

Finland: Also if you go outside on a walk to enjoy the spring, it'll be so cold that one of these pairs of gloves isn't enough to keep your fingers warm, you'll need to stack them on top of other

Finland: Unless you end up walking in direct sunlight of course, then you'll get too hot with those. Enjoy this set of constraints. ☺️

It's silly how dramatic this manages to be, I feel mildly pumped up from watching it

How To Make a Blockbuster Movie Trailer

Reminds me of Charlie Brooker's classic How To Report The News.

in reply to Kaj Sotala

Hilarious! Nice find! I kind of wonder if I joined the wrong server since so much of the local community isn't in English, but the ring-billed gull gives me hope 🤣

I think the term "AGI" is a bit of a historical artifact, it was coined before the deep learning era when previous AI winters had made everyone in the field reluctant to think they could make any progress toward general intelligence. Instead, all AI had to be very extensively hand-crafted to the application in question. And then some people felt like they still wanted to do research on what the original ambition of AI had been, and wanted a term that'd distinguish them from all the other people who said they were doing "AI".

So it was a useful term to distinguish yourself from the very-narrow AI research back then, but now that AI systems are already increasingly general, it doesn't seem like a very useful concept anymore and it'd be better to talk in terms of more specific cognitive capabilities that a system has or doesn't have.

in reply to Kaj Sotala

Intuitively it feels useful to have a name to a point at which AI can do same tasks that humans can. But maybe you think we're partly over that point and partly behind, so the point itself is kind of blurred.

Foundational childhood experiences

my mom shared the story that I had, at age 11, reluctantly allowed her to cut my hair

after she was done, I had gone to a mirror, looked at the result, and commented nothing other than "my lawyer will be in touch"

Achievement unlocked

I've lived in this apartment for a year and a half and today used the dishwasher for the first time

(I find it easier to just use the same dishes each time and wash them by hand, but sometimes I have guests who also use something and now it finally became easier to run it)

in reply to Kaj Sotala

My previous apartment where I lived for 3.5 years had a dishwasher but I never used it. I quite don't get it how some people who live alone get in trouble with accumulating dishes... Also my cooking is stove based and I never use oven (though I probably should use it for yule tarts).
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