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Kuka mukana?
Kerron Fedistä kun
...joku valittaa somen sensuurista
...joku etsii (eurooppalaisia) vaihtoehtoja perinteisille someille
...joku kertoo jenkkisomessa boikotoivansa jenkkituotteita
...tapaan ihmisiä livenä
...joku ihmettelee miksei eurooppalaisilla ole omaa somea
...joku valittaa somen algoritmista ja siitä ettei tavoita seuraajia
...jos joku kaipaa someltaan nimenomaan keskustelua (asiallista vieläpä)!
...törmään tyyppiin (tai ajattelen häntä), joka on yleensä ollut edelläkävijöiden joukossa somessa, mutta jota en ole vielä täällä nähnyt.
...joku valittaa että mainoksia tai mainoksiksi naamioituja linkkejä huijaussivutiille on liikaa somessa.
...tapaan kaverin, jota haluaisin seurata Fedissä.
...joku valittaa, että näkee somessa liikaa tekoälyllä tehtyjä kuvia
…joku valittaa somen vihapuheesta ja moderaation puuttumisesta
...näen, että joku yrittää puhua somesta aiheista, jotka todennäköisesti sensuroidaan
...näen, kun joku käyttää somessa kiertoilmaisuja voidakseen välittää viestiään
...joku koittaa postata jotain ja se tulkitaan sääntöjen vastaiseksi sillä se kritisoi metaa, sensuuria tai äärioikeistoa.
...joku haluaisi pitää useampia sometaukoja ilman, että se vaikuttaa näkyvyyteen.
...joku haluaisi, että hästägejä seuraamalla näkisi oikeasti uusimmat julkaisut, eikä suosituimpia
...olen tuttujen kanssa istumassa iltaa
(Jatka listaa.)
Jos kerätään joka päivä pari pistettä, niin sana leviää arvaamattoman laajalle.
PS. Ja tähän ketjuun saa tulla leuhkimaan, jos on esim kerännyt paljon pisteitä, tai saanut pisteen tilanteessa, jossa joutui ylittämään oman mukavuuskynnyksensä.
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As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.
#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology
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I find Trump as repulsive as most people here, but as a German, one thing I want to push back on is focusing only on one man.
Hitler's rise was possible because he was able to exploit the racial hatred and conspiratorial thinking that already existed.
It's MAGA acolytes that see Trump as an extraordinary figure. He was a reality show grifter with a crumbling business; Hitler was an undisciplined drifter with delusions of grandeur.
It's the soil that matters, not just the rotten harvest.
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I actually think by today’s meeting Trump finally destroyed any hopes in Europe to rely on American support.
Effectively US pulled out of NATO, informally. Can’t count on them to help defend Democracy, Freedom, and Rules-based International Order.
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Kalle Hallivuori likes this.
oh-kay phew. some final cleanup, and then it's time to launch the alpha of this torrent tracker designed for rapid-response data rescue where a bunch of people each scrape chunks of a big thing and then recombine it later, where nobody can store the whole thing in one place because it's too big. then early next week we'll have the system for claiming and handling in-process scrapes. then we start fucking around with the fun stuff. has there ever been a torrent tracker that speaks activitypub to distribute uploads around between instances? because this one is gonna.
#HackThePlanet #MemoryHoleThis #YouCantKillAnIdea #ServersDieSwarmsSurvive #BittorrentIsStillSoGood #OverpoweredP2PProtocolEvenThoughIts20YearsOld
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Kalle Hallivuori likes this.
Systems thinking view on current development
I quite enjoyed this article as it spells out in a more general level how future looks like based on what's currently happening "in the US". Also hint how to prepare at the end, as we can't possibly know which eventualities arrive first.…
There are many ways Trump could trigger a global collapse. Here’s how to survive if that happens
It could be wildfires, a pandemic or a financial crisis. The super-rich will flee to their bunkers – the rest of us will have to fend for ourselves, writes columnist George MonbiotGeorge Monbiot (The Guardian)
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Joanna Oja (viu) reshared this.
Uncomfortably fitting
‘The perfect target’: Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 years – ex-KGB spy
The KGB ‘played the game as if they were immensely impressed by his personality’, Yuri Shvets, a key source for a new book, tells the GuardianDavid Smith (The Guardian)
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Worth a read
Doctorow on Piketty: r > g, or how wealth usually concentrates, how it didn't in the previous century, and how we're steady back to normal from that exceptional period. And how and whether a 1-2% wealth tax would suffice to fix it.
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You know why we Germans are so pedantic about data protection? Someone around 90 years ago went through all records available, selected people with certain criteria, with the help of IBM, and then killed them all.
We don't want to be on any list.
And now the US Gov and Musk are trying to get access to all data they have about every person and put them into a big fat DB and run AI over it.
I am afraid what they will do with that.
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@burningTyger Well, the underlying truth is that the holocaust was fundamentally enabled by what we call "IT people" today.
And for some reason, nobody in IT got that memo and happily collects (meta) data without thinking about the possible dire consequences.
You can't lose data you don't have.
Kalle Hallivuori likes this.
What would you do if money stress wasn’t crushing you? Would you start a new project? Go back to school? Take care of your health?
UBI isn’t about giving you riches - it’s about giving you choices. And you deserve choices. ❤️
#UBI #UBI4ME #UniversalBasicIncome #Choices #SocialJustice #SocialChange #policies #TheCalling
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Sensitive content
Kevin Bowersox likes this.
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Työhuonepaikka vapaana Pasilan Veturitalleilla!
Mushrooming HELSINKI | Pasilan Veturitalleilla vapaana viihtyisä pöytäpaikka hiljaisen työn tekijälle 1.3 | Facebook
Pasilan Veturitalleilla vapaana viihtyisä pöytäpaikka hiljaisen työn tekijälle 1.3. alkaen, vuokra 120e/kk. Tilassa työskentelee kääntäjiä, valokuvaajia (erillinen studio) ja muita luovien
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Danish citizens have launched an online petition, signed by 200,000 people, to purchase California. The petition notes that purchasing the Golden State would provide Danes with more sunshine, dominance in the tech industry, limitless avocado toast, and easy access to Disneyland. In return, California would get the rule of law, universal health care, fact-based politics, and a lifetime supply of Danish pastries.
Can they buy Wisconsin, please? I'd take that offer! 😆
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vaihdoitko palvelinta?
Kalle Hallivuori likes this.
Vaihtamalla paranee
(I used to share a thumb rule about switching workplaces that change is for the better. Unfortunately that's just a general idea and not always true. Even less so for switching the cultures and languages that surround you. That's always risky. However, for some, the risk of staying in place is currently increasing. Hope for the best and prepare for what clearly seems to be rapidly unfolding.)
Share. Connect. Support.
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I'm Hungarian. Complaining is our national sport. So allow me.
I was born behind the iron curtain. In 1989 it seemed that we were going to be free and it really looked like freedom was forward and repression was backward and the world moved ever forward and eventually all of us would be free.
And now I get to see, from the inside, the West sliding backwards into fascism.
You don't know where you are going, but I do. It's painful to watch you harming yourselves like this.
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Jumalan pyssy ja punaiset puukuulat
Tänään, kuten eilenkin, taivastelemme sitä ihanuutta, kun tavan tietotyöläisen kone alkaa huudella että kohta maksaa maltaita Windows 10:llä työnteko, ja pitää hankkia uus kone jotta pyhä Microsoft ei lähetä tulta ja tulikiveä yllemme maallisesta taivaastaan. Ihanasti valmiiksi asennettuna saadaan uudessa koneessa uusi käyttöjärjestelmä. Joka sitten kompastuu omiin jalkoihinsa, estä töiden keskeisimmän TV-käännösohjelman toimimisen, ja pakottaa etsimään minkä kommervenkkien taa täysi uudelleenasennus on tänä vuonna piilotettu.
On se Linux vaan vaikea.
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Hanna Morre
in reply to Johanna Janhonen • • •Johanna Janhonen
in reply to Hanna Morre • • •Reima Mäkinen
in reply to Johanna Janhonen • • •Johanna Janhonen
in reply to Reima Mäkinen • • •Matti Järvinen
in reply to Johanna Janhonen • • •Hanna Morre
in reply to Matti Järvinen • • •Viimeisin yritys Facessa olikin linkki Nightwishin Ghost Love Score -livevideoon 😅
Reima Mäkinen
in reply to Hanna Morre • • •Johanna Janhonen
in reply to Reima Mäkinen • • •@reimamak @hannamorre @nemeciii joo, lista on kattava ja sitä voisi hyödyntää vaikka blogia kirjoittaessa. :)
Mutta toivon myös, että joku alkaa puolitosissaan keräämään irtopisteitä. 🍄🍄🍄